Mystery vs Magic Jackpot

DBR operates a WAP system, ensuring that our Jackpot wins are entirely random. Once a Jackpot is won, the DBR system resets to MK12Million.


DBR's Genuine WAP COMPARED TO A Mystery/Magic Progressive Jackpot

Genuine Wide Area Progressive (WAP) Jackpot

  1. Allows an enormous prize to be won by a player when the winning symbol combination in a particular machine connected/linked are met and the machine is part of a WAP system. A preprogramed percentage of the waged bet on each machine contributes to increase the mega Jackpot. Once the Progressive Jackpot WAP is won, the Jackpot (prize amount) is reset to an initial predetermined value.
  2. A genuine WAP Jackpot Hit is entirely decided by a particular winning symbol combination which can only be decided by the random number generator in any of the WAP gaming machine linked to the system.
  3. WAP Jackpot Machines need to be from one gaming machine manufacturer. Multiple manufacturers machine cannot be a WAP.

Mystery or A Magic Progressive Jackpot.

The Jackpot hit is controlled by a central Jackpot controller pc owned by the operator - not by each gaming machine. The operators sets up their own trigger criteria and hit parameters in the Jackpot controller pc. The Jackpot controller PC can be set as:

  • Value-based hit (Jackpot hit within certain pre-set minimum and maximum value range).
    1. To hit between K5Million and K10Million
    2. To hit between K5Million and K5.05Million
    3. To hit exactly at K5Million
  • Time-based Jackpot hit within a predetermined time period.
    1. Happy hours
    2. After 10PM
    3. Only hit on a Saturday
  • Location and pre-determined/selected machine-based hit.
    1. Hit at a preselected site
    2. Hit on a preselected machine
  • Membership-based hit (Jackpot can only be hit by players with a specific membership level).
  • **NOTE: Multiple different manufacturer's machines can be linked to this system because the Jackpot hit is completely controlled by the owner of the central pc not by the Microsoft Random Number Generator Program each machine as in a genuine WAP.

As Explained Above - The Mystery/Magic Jackpot operators can manipulate and control the Jackpots - when they will hit, at what value they will hit, at what site they will hit and at what time and deciding who will hit it.

BOTTOM LINE - Giving one example of many, A Mystery/Magic Jackpot Operator, could abuse the system by setting up the Jackpot to Hit at K15Million, at a particular site, on a predetermined machine and telling a "friend" to be playing on the preprogrammed winning machine at what time or when the Jackpot nears K15Million and that friend would win when the preprogrammed Mystery/magic Jackpot reached the K15Million trigger.

Mega Jackpot
